Never say that you can't or that it's just too late to make a lifestyle change. It's never too late to change your life for the better. No matter how young or old you are, you can make life better. Change begins with a thought, and one must act upon that idea. Sitting around day dreaming about what you want to happen doesn't make the difference. You have to get up and do something to make your life better. All of us have goals that we want to accomplish in life, and their is no reason why we shouldn't reach our goals. The only person who will stop you from reaching that goal is you. You have to do what it takes to reach your highest potential. Their is no limits to what you can do when you know who holds your future. We are connected to the highest power, and that power is electrifying. Just take a look for one moment to the world around you. Look at the trees, oceans and mountains. God is a awesome wonder and He has great wonders to perform.
Don't allow fear to stop you from reaching the top. You can achieve if you believe! If you let fear interfere with reaching your goals, you will never make it. Most of us try and then we stop because we get discourage and give up. This is the time to work harder to achieve what you want. No its not always easy but if you are serious about what you want, you shouldn't let anything or anyone get in your way. We go through things in life to make us strong. It's how you look at a situation. It may sometimes look bad, but its not always bad for you. Have an open mind about life and what you want from it. Yes, this is a journey that we are travelling and sometimes we do get caught up in choosing the incorrect path. If you see that that path is not working for you, change your course. Sometimes we spend too much time doing the wrong thing, wasting time. Who has time to waste!
Everyday should be a new day for you. You should wake up ready to take on the world with a smile. Easy said than done! I know it truly is because sometimes I wake up and don't want to get out of bed to face the day. But, that is why I start the day off with prayer. I meditate before I get up in the morning because believe you me, I need that positive energy to get me started. Once I get motivated, I am ready to take on the day with a smile.
Did you ever notice that just when you are all bubbly and happy someone will come along and burst your bubbles? I always say to myself, "this must be a test." My spirit just sinks as if I was sinking in quick sand. However, I have learned that you have to be in control of your happiness and not allow negative people to come in and take control of your feeling and emotions. In this world, their are so much negative energy that can block your success and happiness in life if you let it. For me, yoga is my release. I can go in any quiet place, close my eyes and meditate for a few minutes and I am ready to face anything.
Yoga is not a practice. Yoga is a way of life. It is a lifestyle change that allows you to become in tune with your inner self. Its focus is to help you understand who you are and how you can be your best. When I first started yoga, I was amazed at how I was feeling about myself. I felt like I was reborn into something unique and full of life. It felt like I was connecting myself with a higher power greater than any other power known. It made me think differently and I began to see things in a different perspective. Besides all of that, it helped me focus on my health. I even lost weight! Taking the stand to develop yourself is a great choice. Letting go of the troubles of life and just being in control of self is golden. Understand that you are not alone and that you have a higher power that is inside of you and around you. Enjoy life and be good to yourself.
Don't allow fear to stop you from reaching the top. You can achieve if you believe! If you let fear interfere with reaching your goals, you will never make it. Most of us try and then we stop because we get discourage and give up. This is the time to work harder to achieve what you want. No its not always easy but if you are serious about what you want, you shouldn't let anything or anyone get in your way. We go through things in life to make us strong. It's how you look at a situation. It may sometimes look bad, but its not always bad for you. Have an open mind about life and what you want from it. Yes, this is a journey that we are travelling and sometimes we do get caught up in choosing the incorrect path. If you see that that path is not working for you, change your course. Sometimes we spend too much time doing the wrong thing, wasting time. Who has time to waste!
Everyday should be a new day for you. You should wake up ready to take on the world with a smile. Easy said than done! I know it truly is because sometimes I wake up and don't want to get out of bed to face the day. But, that is why I start the day off with prayer. I meditate before I get up in the morning because believe you me, I need that positive energy to get me started. Once I get motivated, I am ready to take on the day with a smile.
Did you ever notice that just when you are all bubbly and happy someone will come along and burst your bubbles? I always say to myself, "this must be a test." My spirit just sinks as if I was sinking in quick sand. However, I have learned that you have to be in control of your happiness and not allow negative people to come in and take control of your feeling and emotions. In this world, their are so much negative energy that can block your success and happiness in life if you let it. For me, yoga is my release. I can go in any quiet place, close my eyes and meditate for a few minutes and I am ready to face anything.
Yoga is not a practice. Yoga is a way of life. It is a lifestyle change that allows you to become in tune with your inner self. Its focus is to help you understand who you are and how you can be your best. When I first started yoga, I was amazed at how I was feeling about myself. I felt like I was reborn into something unique and full of life. It felt like I was connecting myself with a higher power greater than any other power known. It made me think differently and I began to see things in a different perspective. Besides all of that, it helped me focus on my health. I even lost weight! Taking the stand to develop yourself is a great choice. Letting go of the troubles of life and just being in control of self is golden. Understand that you are not alone and that you have a higher power that is inside of you and around you. Enjoy life and be good to yourself.
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