Hello Everyone,
For those of you that don't know me yet, my name is Joselyn and I am the author for "Making Life Work For You". I am also the author for "GrandparentsRoc". I am very passionate about life and helping those who are struggling with life choices. I just can't stress enough how important it is for us to take care of our bodies. So, I created this Blog to help people to choose a way that will benefit them for a lifetime. With diabetes and high blood pressure running in my family, I too have decided to take this lifestyle change. I know that all of us want to be healthy and live a long prosperous life. But, you have to work at making the best choices for your mind, body and spirit. It is an individual personal experience for each and every one of us.
I was impressed with Yoga from the very beginning. Studying Yoga gave me hope, peace within and strength that I never really knew I had. It's amazing how you can feel a oneness with your body, mind and spirit. The breathing techniques places you in a state of relaxation and rest. While your organs are being relieved from pressures. Allowing your whole body inside out to relax and heal. Healing is vital for many of us because our bodies are going through so many pressures of life. We need to learn how to allow our minds to heal and to get rid of all those anxieties that weigh us down. This causes many disease and illnesses to occur in the body. We have an tendency to deal with life stresses without defense. Everything and everyone needs a defense in order to protect ourselves from stressing out and getting sick.
When I look at life now, I see the beauty in it. I no longer see the negative things that life has to offer. I stay away from pain, and when it comes my way, I reject it right away. I decided that I was not going to stress over anything. Although I am challenged, I choose to look at the positive aspect of the situation. It is our choice to make the difference in our life and others. How we look upon life has its greatest effect. For many years, I struggled with stress and anxiety. I worried about life and everything that I could think of. "What if this doesn't work or go right", I thought. You name it and I worried about it! Until I realized that all of this worrying was tearing my body, mind and spirit apart. We all have had our own struggles in this journey. Believe me when I tell you that God knows I have had mine. I didn't think that I was going to make it this far, but by the grace and mercy of God I am still here.
What does it take for us to realize that in this life, we have choices. We don't have to settle for what is thrown into our lap. So many people live day after day accepting what ever life gives them. What about your choice? What do you want out of life? How can you help yourself to live better and feel great? Why suffer with sicknesses and ailments! Who said that we have to? So why do we settle in life for it? Each and everyone of us has the potential within to be healthy and strong in our mind and body.
Are you happy with your life? Are you satisfied with the way your health is going? If you are not, then what are you going to do about it. What positive move can you make to better yourself on this journey called life. Life is a journey that we all who are alive is taking at this very moment. What we do on this journey will reflect upon our lives now and after. Get away from anything negative. Negativity will suck you under. Its like quicksand; it can and will destroy you.
Making the choice to study Yoga was a lifetime change for the better for me. It helped me to understand my body more clearer. It allowed me to focus on what is important and how to handle life stresses. It thought me how to meditate and control my circumstances instead of my circumstances controlling me. Yoga gave me a new outlook on life and what life is really all about. Yoga helped me to see the beauty of life.
Hot Yoga is a wonderful experience and a great choice to study. My very first class was 90 minutes. The room is hot and your instructor controls the heat as well as the air in the room. It is important for your body to breathe correctly, so the room temperature is monitored. The poses, breathing techniques gives you that oneness with yourself. The music places you in a relaxed mood and it is so pleasant. The instructors were very kind and friendly. Everyone was so peaceful and you can feel the love, peace and joy. Making you in harmony with life and your inner spirit, gives you that freedom to be you without flaws. Water is the Essene of life, so it is very important that we replace the water that we are releasing. When you are working out in Hot Yoga, you are sweating causing all of the toxins in your body to be removed. While doing the poses and sweating, your body is actually getting a healthy workout. Therefore you will lose weight. This is a good thing for those who desire to shed a few pounds or more. The lights are dim and your mind is calm and body relaxed. No pain, no hurt, and all of those negative feelings disappear. What a remarkable feeling to have in your life forever.
Being true to yourself and others is very important in order for you to continue on your journey in a positive way. Yes, we still do have those challenges that life offers, but Yoga teaches us how to handle life in a better way. Everything in the world doesn't change, but when we change, we make the world a better place to live.
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